Ini adalah flow yang saya gunakan bila nak prompt AI untuk extract nota daripada buku.
Masa mula-mula explore, rasa kurang berpuas hati bila AI hanya bagi brief even with some explanation a.k.a tak meet my requirement.
Lepas tu saya teringat pernah tengok video Tiago Forte tentang “Pick a Notes App: Your Notetaking Style (Part 1)“.
Dari situ saya dapat buat prompt yang better bila minta AI extract nota dari buku.
#Langkah 1 – Kenali note taking style anda
Perasan tak kadang bila kita guna apps tu, kita rasa tak ngam? Walau apps tu famous tapi bila pakai, rasa tak kena dengan style kita. Sama juga dengan note taking style ni.
Masa tu saya tak tahu note taking style saya apa. Ada masa, kita suka ikut orang tanpa kenal diri sendiri.
Masa survey note taking apps, saya terjumpa video Tiago Forte tu. Dari video dia, saya belajar.. penting kita tahu note taking style kita yang mana. Baru kita dapat pilih note taking apps yang sesuai dengan kita.
Ada 3 jenis note taking style:
1. Architect

Jenis structured. Ada blueprint, framework bila nak buat nota.
Method note taking seperti Cornell Method atau Charting Method.

Bila baca buku, jenis baca whole buku, kadang berhenti sekejap sebab nak buat structured notes atau diagrams yang buatkan mereka lagi faham tentang buku tu.
Antara orang terkenal yang guna method ni adalah Leonardo da Vinci.

2. Gardener

Jenis explorer. Spontaneous.
Nota berkembang dengan bersepahnyađ Lain daripada architect.
Mula tulis nota dari idea asas, dari situ kembangkan.
Method note taking seperti Mapping Method.

Bila baca buku macam pilih menu kat kedai makan. Pilih yang dia nak sahaja lepas tu auto dapat idea. Jenis lompat-lompat tajuk. Tak perlu baca whole buku untuk dapatkan idea.
Antara orang terkenal yang pakai method ni J.K. Rowling – kembangkan cerita Harry Potter dengan pelbagai plot dan karater.

3. Librarian

Jenis categorized.
Dia akan cari banyak sumber lepas tu categorized kan ikut info yang dia nak.
Method note taking seperti Outlining Method atau Sentence Method.

Bila baca buku, ikut turutan. Tak lompat-lompat macam ‘Gardener’ kalau tak, mesti rasa ada missing link. Suka highlight, catat nota penting pada tiap kandungan yang dia baca.
Dah habis bab, prefer buat nota tentang kandungan bab tu supaya senang rujuk.
Orang terkenal yang guna method ni adalah Thomas Jefferson.

4. Student

Ada tambahan sebenarnya. Student note taking style ni jenis tiada style yang khusus. Ia bergantung kepada projek.
Apa note taking style saya?
Saya figure out saya jenis Librarian. Macam kerja saya sekarang pun, team dengan bos akan tanya saya something, nanti pandailah saya cari
Saya prefer nampak whole picture baru saya lebih clear apa nak tulis, apa nak take note.
Bila tahu benda tu, baru saya macam “patutlah aku kalau baca buku prefer baca kulit ke kulit sebab aku nak tahu whole story”.
Only then baru saya lebih faham apa nak disummarykan. Saya pernah je baca long article book summary tapi biasanya berakhir dengan kekecewaan sebab rasa tak puas baca book summary yang orang buat.
Bila kenal diri saya ‘Librarian’ walau dulu tak jadi librarianđ¤Ł, baru saya idea cara nak prompt dekat AI tu.
#Langkah 2 – Minta chatGPT bagi prompt apa yang sesuai untuk Librarian archetype
Instead of kita yang fikir prompt apa nak pakai, kita reverse tanya ChatGPT sendiri – apa idea untuk tulis prompt tu.

#Langkah 3 – Copy-paste prompt yang chatgpt bagi di NotebookLM
Saya guna Google NotebookLM untuk summarize .pdf / any reading material.
Bila buat 3 step ni, taraaa dapatlah apa yang saya nak.. Walau tak seperfect yang saya idamkan, tapi way better daripada saya general prompt yang biasa saya guna.
Ini adalah book summary yang saya minta NotebookLM keluarkan daripada buku $100M Leads by Alex Hormozi:
$100M Leads by Alex Hormozi: A Detailed Briefing
Main Theme: This book, part of a free business model leading to potential investment from the author's company,, provides a comprehensive guide on acquiring leads, emphasizing practical strategies, real-world examples, and a mindset shift towards relentless action and value provision.
Key Ideas and Facts:
Section I: Start Here
The Foundation: The book stresses the importance of leads for business success, stating, "Strangers can only buy your stuff if they know you exist. This takes leads."
Author's Journey: Hormozi recounts his entrepreneurial journey, including successes, failures, and the pivotal moment when he discovered the power of selling his advertising expertise.
Business Model: Hormozi outlines his unique model of offering valuable free resources to build trust and eventually invest in profitable, bootstrapped companies.
Section II: Engage Your Leads: Offers and Lead Magnets
Lead Magnet Importance: The book emphasizes using lead magnets to provide value upfront and attract engaged leads. " Good lead magnets get more engaged leads and customers than a core offer alone, and do it for less money."
Lead Magnet Types: Hormozi outlines three types: awareness-building, sample/trial, and multi-step process, with various delivery methods like software, information, services, and physical products.
Testing and Optimization: The importance of testing lead magnet names, headlines, and formats to maximize engagement is emphasized.
Section III: Warm Up Your Leads: Warm Outreach
Warm Outreach Power: Hormozi champions warm outreach (reaching out to existing contacts) as a powerful, low-cost lead generation method.
10-Step Framework: The book provides a detailed 10-step framework for successful warm outreach, covering everything from identifying your ideal customer to making offers and nurturing the list.
Value Equation: Hormozi revisits the value equation from his previous book, highlighting the four core elements of a compelling offer: Dream Outcome, Time Delay, Perceived Likelihood of Achievement, and Effort & Sacrifice.
Section IV: Content: Give Until They Ask
Content Marketing Power: This section emphasizes the power of content marketing in building an audience and generating leads.
Give:Ask Ratio: The book stresses the importance of a generous give:ask ratio, advocating for "give until they ask" to build trust and maximize audience growth.
Monetization Strategies: Hormozi explores two main monetization strategies: direct offers within content and using content to drive traffic to offers elsewhere.
Section V: Get Started
Open to Goal: This section introduces the concept of "open to goal," a mindset shift towards committing to achieving specific outcomes, regardless of the effort required.
One-Page Advertising Plan: Hormozi provides a concise, actionable advertising plan, emphasizing clarity and a focus on core activities.
Section VI: Putting It All Together
Roadmap to $100M Leads: This section lays out a roadmap for scaling lead generation, focusing on systematically implementing the core four activities (warm outreach, content, cold outreach, and paid ads) and leveraging the "more, better, new" framework.
Client Financed Acquisition: The book introduces a powerful strategy for overcoming cash flow limitations by structuring offers to recoup customer acquisition costs within 30 days.
Section VII: A Decade In a Page
Key Takeaways: This section summarizes the book's core principles and strategies, offering a condensed reference guide.
Section VIII: The Many Sided Die
Perseverance and Mindset: Hormozi concludes with a motivating fable about perseverance, emphasizing that consistent effort, even in the face of setbacks, ultimately leads to success in advertising and business.
"Itâs hard to be poor with leads banginâ down your doorâ -Hormozi family jingle
"Knowing how to get leads saved my business, my reputation, and likely my life."
"All else being equalâŚwhen you double your leads, you double your business."
"Good lead magnets get more engaged leads and customers than a core offer alone, and do it for less money."
"99% of people arenât gonna buy, but they will create (or destroy) your reputation based on the value of your free stuff."
"The moment you start asking for money is the moment you decide to slow down your growth."
"Costs can only approach zero but how much you make can go up to infinity."
"I am compensated tomorrow for the value I provide today."
"If you get the game then you see, once you roll enough times, the die youâre given doesnât matter."
"Every die hits its green streak when rolled enough times."
Overall Impression:
"$100M Leads" provides a practical, actionable framework for lead generation. While the book promotes the author's investment model, its content offers valuable insights applicable to entrepreneurs and marketers across industries. The book's strength lies in its clear explanations, real-world examples, and emphasis on a mindset of relentless action and value creation.
Lepas dah dapat macam ni, either saya akan minta depth of each point di NotebookLM atau ChatGPT untuk tambahbahbaik nota.
Idea execute untuk Architect atau Gardener Note Taking Style
Okey, itu untuk idea Librarian. Mesti anda tertanya what if anda adalah Architect atau Gardener, kan?
Kalau untuk architect atau gardener, saya akan tanya ChatGPT saranan prompt.
Idea prompt untuk architect:
Kalau saya Architect Archetype note taking, apa prompt yang saya patut guna untuk minta AI buatkan nota as detail as Architect Archetype akan buat nota
Untuk gardener, saya akan cari kalau ada AI yang boleh buat mindmap ikut nota yang kita berikan contohnya Whimsical.
Atau boleh guna dapatkan idea ChatGPT untuk saranan prompt:
Kalau saya Gardener Archetype note taking, apa prompt yang saya patut guna untuk minta AI buatkan nota as detail as Gardener Archetype akan buat nota
Nota: Anda perlu mulakan perbualan dengan mention 3 jenis note taking di atas supaya nanti dia boleh faham context.
Dari sini saya belajar tentang clear about yourself > minta prompt dari chatgpt ikut your preference > paste prompt tu di AI NotebookLM atau AI yang sesuai dengan note taking style anda.
Sejujurnya bila explore AI ni memang banyak ajar diri saya untuk be clear about myself.
- Apa kau nak cakap sebenarnya?
- Kau nak dia buat apa sebenarnya?
Kalau tak dapat output yang saya nak, saya bertenang jap. Bertanya Allah Dahulu ke, bertanya diri sendiri ke;
- “Kau nak apa sebenarnya?”
- “Aku nak macam ni, macam ni, macam ni.”
- “Ha tulislah macam tu.”
Then bila lebih clear, baru output tu meet our expectation.
Jika anda dah cuba, boleh share result di komen đ